Liz & Louie's 7/19/24 F1-B Litter
Pupdate Page
On July 21, 2024, Liz and Louie welcomed a litter of seven puppies, consisting of 5 females and 2 males. The puppies come in different colors such as apricot, apricot/white parti, black, and black/white parti. Liz weighs 45 lbs while Louie weighs almost 40 lbs. The puppies are expected to weigh between 40-50 lbs when fully grown, with moderate to high energy levels, and high intelligence and trainability. They will be ready for adoption on September 21, 2024. This liitter is completely reserved.
This video was taken 8-18-24.
Each day, the puppies are moving further and further away from their security blanket and mama, gaining independence and curiosity. They are SO intelligent!
"We're eating on our own! We still prefer mama, but this puppy food isn't too bad!"
The video below was taken 8-12-24 while the puppies were out of their pen for recess! They are beginning to toddle around and beginning to show a bit interest in toys.